Today is the launch of Find.Jobs and we could not be more excited! Find.Jobs brings together our passion for aiding job seekers with our love for technology.
Providing job seekers with resources and tools to find employment has always been the primary objective of the .jobs top level domain. So much so that we created an approval process for the purchase of our domains. We validate that every .jobs domain is consciously making an effort to aid job seekers. It's what led to our high domain security rating.

The launch of is the next evolution of our commitment to the job seeker. Our team set out to tackle issues that plague job seekers. We recognized that job seekers are taking an extraordinary amount of time on job boards to find the right position. This increases the amount of time spent on the job board ("job search linger"), but decreases the amount of time spent applying for jobs (bad for the candidate). If we could find a way to increase the time job seekers spent applying while decreasing the time job seekers spent looking for a job we could create a very valuable tool. With 87% of Americans open to new job opportunities and the average time it takes for an employer to fill a position being 42 days that is exactly what we set out to do.
Our team looked closely at what was causing the "ob search linger". The primary reason job seekers spend more time looking and less time applying is because of poor search technology. Most job boards and career search engines use an archaic keyword match. This leads to irrelevant job postings being presented to the job seeker. This hurts the job seeker and the employer attempting to fill a role.
We knew this could be solved with artificial intelligence. This led us to utilize the Google Job Discovery API,currently in private beta. Utilizing the Google API and ElasticSearch technology the search will accurately pair a search term with a relevant listing proper listing. Our job search improves on keyword matching, has the ability to recognize industry specific jargon, recognizes spelling errors, understands concepts and more. To view a full featured list of the current search functionality visit our resource page.
We have built a solution that decreases the amount of time job seekers spend looking for a role and increase the time job seekers spend applying.
Our suite of job seekers solutions does not stop there. We are currently developing additional solutions to match job seekers with employers. This includes advanced geographical searching, the ability to search based on office culture and more.
We are also developing products for employers and recruiters. Many of the challenges faced by job seekers are also faced on the other side of hiring process by employers and recruiters. On average it takes employers 42 days to fill an open position. Our team is working hard to build, test and launch solutions that will allow employers to find the right candidates for their open positions fast.
Our team is excited to have the ability to help more people find work that they enjoy. We look forward to developing products and solutions that impact people's lives around the world. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store.
Go Find Your Dream Job!
The Find.Jobs Team